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Oude incidenten

woensdag 6th december 2023

Serverius DC1: Black building test + 2N power upgrade maintenance, gepland 1 jaar geleden

Onderstaand bericht ontvingen wij van Serverius:

You are receiving this message as an advance notice of a black building test

Location =Datacenter 1, Dronten, NL (SDC1) Service Type = Grid / Generators test and maintenance

Start: 06.12.2023 7:00 CET (Amsterdam time) End: 06.12.2023 9:00 CET Expected duration: 2 hours

Reason: Black building test combined with works for the 2N power upgrade.

Please note that, during this test the normal grid power will not be available for a period of approximately 20 seconds and the UPS-feeds will take over. Therefore no colocation power will be affected, your equipment and services will not be affected.

During this black building test we will also perform maintenance. The new power divider will be connected to the main power grid. Performing this work on the same time as the yearly black building test will save us another similar maintenance window later on this year.

All activities will be conducted under the direct supervision of Serverius and its external suppliers Elinex Power Solutions and E-tec Power Management. Approximately 30 minutes before the test commences, another reminder that the test is due to start will be sent. After the test and maintenance is finished the noc website will be updated that all work is performed.

Because a lot of engineers will be available during this black building test, we would like to ask you NOT to visit the datacenter during this maintenance window. Of course you are allowed to access your hardware but please visit the datacenter ONLY when you really need to. FYI: during this maintenance window the engineers will not communicate to users but updates will be communicated at

maandag 4th december 2023

Serverius DC1: Planned Maintenance UPS System C-Feed, gepland 1 jaar geleden

Onderstaand bericht ontvingen wij van Serverius:

You are receiving this message as an advance notice for a planned maintenance on the C-Feed UPS system.

Location = SDC1, Dronten, NL Service Type = UPS maintenance

Start: 04-12-2023 08:00 CET (Amsterdam time) End: 04-12-2023 09:00 CET Duration: up to 1 hour Reason: Scheduled maintenance follow-up Impact: medium, backup generators will protect the load during maintenance Expected Outage: none

vrijdag 24th november 2023

Geen incidenten gemeld

donderdag 23rd november 2023

Geen incidenten gemeld

woensdag 22nd november 2023

Geen incidenten gemeld

dinsdag 21st november 2023

Geen incidenten gemeld

maandag 20th november 2023

Webhosting E-mail: SpamExperts vertraging

Momenteel ondervinden wij problemen met de aflevering van de e-mail welke via SpamExperts verloopt. Zij zijn hiervan op de hoogte en druk bezig met een oplossing. Wij zien hier dat het wel binnen komt, echter met wat vertraging. Zodra we een update hebben van de situatie maken wij dat uiteraard kenbaar. Onze excuses voor het ongemak.

Update: We zien de mail wachtrij op alle servers kleiner worden, waarmee het probleem opgelost lijkt. Uiteraard houden we het even nauwlettend in de gaten.

zondag 19th november 2023

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zaterdag 18th november 2023

Geen incidenten gemeld