dinsdag 16th maart 2021

Serverius: Geplande batterij vervanging UPS B-feed DC1, gepland 3 jaar geleden

Onderstaand bericht ontvingen wij van Serverius:

You are receiving this message as an advance notice of a planned battery replacement.

Location = SDC1, Dronten, NL Service Type = UPS systems B-feed

Start: 16.04.2021 08:00 CEST Amsterdam time (summertime) End: 16.04.2021 09:00 Duration: up to 1 hours

Reason: continuation of the last part of Lifecycle battery replacement of this UPS system (last 10 batteries)

Impact: medium, during maintenance we will run on generator power and ups system will go to bypass shortly

Expected outage: none

Location = SDC1, Dronten, NL Service Type = UPS system 1.4 A-feed

Start: 16.04.2021 08:00 CEST Amsterdam summertime End: 16.04.2021 16:00 CEST Duration: up to 8 hours

Reason: Lifecycle battery replacment of these UPS systems

Impact: low, all systems will remain in N or N+1 state at least during maintenance

Expected outage: none

This is the last part replacing all batteries of 4 ups sytems of the A feed and all of the B-feed